Open post

MFG Days 2023 Are Here!

MFG Days 2023 Are Here!

Please join the South Bend Regional and Greater Niles chambers as we partner with businesses and educators to shine a spotlight on local manufacturers and manufacturing career opportunities. The digital format created in 2020 extended the reach of this annual event beyond one day – and to more students, educators, parents and community members.

Since the first MFG Day in 2014, 75+ industry and education/training partners and more than 6,000 students and educators from two states, six counties and 19 high schools and adult ed programs have connected through MFG Days in the South Bend Region. MFG Days 2023 will kick off October 6 with the launch of updated and expanded online resources – then, career chats, tours and more will take place throughout the month and extend through the school year. We’re excited to connect even more students to opportunities in our region!


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