NTMA-U is an innovative program of online education that bridges the gap between traditional degree programs and skills-based certification curricula.

NTMA-U courses meet the needs of today’s students…

NTMA-U is an on-line skills training/apprentice program which allows students to move through content at their own pace, own their own schedule, and it picks up exactly where they left off, when they return to the courses.

In a traditional classroom environment, there are many other factors at play – instructor experience and quality, unnecessary content in the curriculum, and other students with different needs or desires.

NTMA-U courses are created by industry experts, to meet our industry’s specific needs. We supplement the program with high-quality textbooks, many of which are published by the NTMA.

Students learn what they need, and will bring those new skills to your shop floor more quickly, and consistently.

NTMA-U courses are FBAT-DOL approved, and can be used as the related training instruction for your company’s apprenticeship program, if applicable.

Quality…Cost Effective…Convenient…Accredited


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